Set up Jasonette iOS

Ready? Let's get your first Jasonette app on your phone, in 20 seconds! Interested in manual setup?


Jasonette itself is a pre-built app.
All you need to do is download and build with XCode.

Go ahead and download Jasonette, and then unzip.

Download Jasonette-iOS

download jasonette

Step 2. SETUP

Initialize by running the Setup command. init

This command automatically generates icons and sets the title and the url.

BEFORE YOU START: Make sure you have the most recent version of XCode! (At least XCode 8) You can download it Here.

Step 3. PLAY

Connect your phone and click play on XCode. Done!


★ Did it work?

  • YES?

    • Congratulations! You're ready to transform this into your OWN app! Go on to the tutorial

Manual setup

It is recommended that you use the Setup command since it takes care of most of tedious details, but you can also do this manually.

Step 1. Download

Download Jasonette and unzip. download jasonette

Step 2. Open in XCode

Go into the app folder and open Jasonette.xcworkspace file. (warning: Make sure to open the xcworkspace file, NOT the xcodeproj file!)


Step 3. Update config attributes and generate icons manually


  • Set App Name: Under the Config group, open the Info.plist file and change the CFBundleName attribute.
  • Set Root URL: Under the Config group, open the settings.plist file and change the url attribute.
  • Generate Icon: You can try generating app icons using online services like, and add them manually to the project.

Step 4. Play

Connect your phone and click play on XCode. Done!


Submitting to the app store

There are a couple of things to keep in mind when submitting to the app store.

1. Sign up as Apple Developer

You can test as much as you want without signing up as a developer, you can even put apps on your phone. However when it comes to actually submitting apps, you need to register as a developer. Google "apple developer" to learn how to do this.

2. Archive and Upload

Assuming you're all ready, you just need to "archive" the app first, and then press "upload to app store".

no bitcode

3. Uncheck "Include bitcode"

When you press "upload to app store", it will show up a confirmation dialog. Uncheck "Include bitcode" option here. We do not need Bitcode because Jasonette is already small due to its modularity, and it actually may become larger. In fact including bitcode doesn't work well with Jasonette, so make sure you uncheck this.

no bitcode


■ "Unknown property attribute 'class'"

unknown property attribute class

This is known to happen in old versions of XCode. Please upgrade your XCode to the latest version

■ "No provisioning..." error

No provisioning error

Just press "Fix Issue" and sign in with your Apple account

If that doesn't work, read this post

■ "Signing for "Jasonette" requires a development team. Select a development team in the project editor."

Requires development team

  1. Select the project from XCode.
  2. Go to "General" section.
  3. Click "Team" under Signing section. Switch it from "None" to your existing team. If you don't have one, select "Add an account" to add your own Apple account.

add team

■ "Code signing is required for product type 'Application' in SDK"

Requires development team

  1. Select the project from XCode.
  2. Go to "General" section.
  3. Click "Team" under Signing section. Switch it from "None" to your existing team. If you don't have one, select "Add an account" to add your own Apple account.

add team

■ "Untrusted Enterprise Developer"

Keep getting "Untrusted Enterprise Developer" alert when you try to open the installed app?

Or read the Apple Guideline below:

Guidelines for installing custom enterprise apps on iOS

■ "Can't be opened because it is from an unidentified developer."

Do you get the following error when you try to execute the Setup command?

unidentified developer

This article will help you

■ "... is busy: Processing symbol files"

Do you get this alert when you press the play button?

processing symbol files

Just wait for a bit until the progress bar gets to the end, and then retry.

■ "Offline mode"

In the current implementation of Jasonette, this message means either:

  1. There's a problem with your network.
  2. There's something wrong with your JSON markup and Jasonette is not able to interpret it correctly.

Please first check the network to see other apps are working fine. After that, check your JSON, keep simplifying it down until you find the problematic markup.

Need more help?

  • Slack - Come ask quick questions and share tips with other Jasonette users. Join here

  • Forum - Chat messages on Slack tend to flow away, so you may want to ask questions on the forum. Also it's good for future users who may have the same problem. All messages on the forum will be read. Visit here: